Student ID: 35363998
Public IP Address:
Domain Name:
This project involves setting up a simple website using open-source tools. I have chosen AWS EC2 for hosting the website, Apache as the web server, and Ubuntu as the operating system. These tools were selected due to their robustness, reliability, and open-source nature.
I chose open-source software like Apache and Ubuntu because they are secure, stable, and cost-effective solutions. As a student, using open-source tools allows me to freely experiment with web hosting without the need for expensive licenses. These tools also align with the educational objectives of this project.
This website is powered by:
To begin with, I created an Amazon EC2 instance using the t3.micro instance type, which is eligible for the free tier. I selected Ubuntu 20.04 as the operating system and launched the instance in the AWS Australia East region. The steps involved:
After the Amazon EC2 instance was running, I needed to upload my website files (HTML, CSS). I used SSH and WinSCP (on Windows) as well as SCP (on Linux).
scp -i /path/to/your/private-key.pem
index.html style.css
Once the files were uploaded, I tested the website by visiting the EC2 instance’s public IP in a browser. The website was accessible, and I was able to see the Apache default page.